Obama praises Muslims, threatens chaplains with arrest during government “shutdown”
Obama threatens military chaplains with arrest during the shutdown. He’s being sued for that. And this message on the Spite House website:
But Barrack Hussein Obama always has time for his Muslim brothers, via Statement by the President on Eid al-Adha | The White House.
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
Statement by the President on Eid al-Adha
Michelle and I extend our best wishes for a joyous Eid al-Adha to Muslims around the world and congratulate those performing the Hajj this year. As our Muslim neighbors and friends gather for Eid celebrations, Muslim Americans are among the more than three million pilgrims joining one of the world’s largest and most diverse gatherings, which serves as a reminder of the shared roots of the world’s Abrahamic faiths.
To commemorate Eid al-Adha, Muslims around the world are joining other faith communities in offering their assistance to those suffering from hunger, disease, and conflict. Their service is a powerful example of the positive role that faith can play in motivating communities to work together to address shared challenges.
Dozens of powerful examples by Muslims around the world can be found at here.
On behalf of the American people, we extend our warmest greetings during this Hajj season. Eid Mubarak and Hajj Mabrour.
Speak for yourself.