Dear TMLC Friends and Supporters:
This Sunday is Veterans Day. It is a day when we, as a nation, remember the men and women of our Armed Forces throughout our Nation’s history, who by their heroic sacrifices and courage purchased for us the freedoms we enjoy today.
We honor and remember the service of all our veterans whenever and wherever they served.
From Lexington Green and Valley Forge to Normandy, to Korea and Vietnam, to Iraq, Afghanistan, and places unknown, America’s Armed Forces have fought for freedom in defense of our great Nation.
Veterans Day honors ALL our military who served—alive and deceased, while Memorial Day honors all those who gave the last full measure of devotion.
Nevertheless, on this Veterans Day, it is altogether fitting that we take a moment to remember and pray for the men and women who laid down their lives defending their family, faith and country, and for their loved ones who still mourn their tremendous loss. Let us also pray for our troops who remain in harm’s way. May they arrive safely back home when their duty is complete.
It is important to note that Sunday is also the 100th Anniversary of the end of WWI, better known at the time as Armistice Day. On November 11, 1918, people all over the world celebrated the end of “the war to end all wars.”
On this Veterans Day, in a world filled with turmoil, it is critical to heed Thomas Jefferson’s words in a December 4, 1788 letter to George Washington. It is embossed over the staircase of the Jefferson Library at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, pictured below:
“The power of making war often prevents it and in our case would give efficacy to our desire for peace.”
God bless our veterans and God bless America.