To permanently protect traditional marriage between one man and one woman, now being threatened in the courts and legislature, volunteer coalitions have come together to pass an amendment to the California Constitution.
If passed, the Protect Marriage Amendment would add new language to the California state constitution:
“Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”
To place this Constitutional Amendment on the ballot, the coalition needs to turn in 1.1 million signatures by Tuesday, April 8th. So far, the coalition has received 951,000 signatures – but time is running out! We have only until Tuesday, April 8th, to gather over 150,000 more! You can help!
How can you help?
First, please know that only California registered voters can sign the petition to place the Marriage Protection Amendment on November’s ballots. If you are not a CA resident, please forward this message to family and friends in the state of California to make sure that they have done their part to defend marriage!
Second, to California residents:
1. Request your petition today! Official petitions are now available. Click on the REQUEST PETITION button on the home page and order petitions today!
2. After you sign the petition, help collect more signatures from friends and colleagues who also support marriage. To circulate the petition, you must be registered to vote or eligible to register to vote. Only registered voters, however, may sign the petition. Sign up as a volunteer circulator!
3. Endorse the ProtectMarriage Amendment! Fill out the form on this website and become part of the team.
What You Should Know…
• Right now, activist homosexual organizations are pulling out all the stops to block this voter initiative in this crucial time – they have flown in teams from across the nation to work against the pro-marriage coalitions, formed phone banks to contact CA voters and attempt to dissuade them from protecting marriage, and are engaged in store-to-store campaigns to defeat the amendment.
• This amendment must be passed now in order to protect marriage for future generations. 18 other states have already amended their constitutions to defend marriage – but California is a major force in determining the future of America, and the battle for CA families must be won NOW.
• An amendment to the California Constitution, which requires a vote of the people, is the only way to stop the politicians, and especially the courts, from re-defining marriage against the will of the majority of Californians.
• Just 8 years ago in the March 2000 election, California voters overwhelmingly passed Proposition 22 by over 61% of the vote. Prop. 22 added a regular statute to the California Family Code to keep marriage between a man and a woman and prevent the state Legislature from redefining marriage without a vote of the people. Since then however, politicians and judges have chipped away at Prop 22 and ignored the will of the voters. For example:
• Two years ago, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom thumbed his nose at California voters by issuing marriage licenses to thousands of homosexual couples in open defiance of Proposition 22. Ultimately, the courts declared those so-called “marriages” to be invalid, but left the door open to a future constitutional challenge against traditional marriage.
• Additionally, the courts have undermined Proposition 22 and marriage by upholding an act of the Legislature that gave homosexual “domestic partners” the full legal status of married spouses. A San Francisco judge ruled that Proposition 22, a regular statute, violates the California Constitution and ordered the licensing of same-sex “marriages.” That decision is currently being appealed in the California Supreme Court.
• The Legislature is now considering legislation (Assembly Bill 43) to allow licensing of homosexual “marriage.”
Act NOW to protect marriage and family in CA!
Sign the petition to get this amendment on the ballot!
Forward this message to family and friends in CA!