Brighton Assembly of God Church Supports Thomas More Law Center
Mon, Nov 12, 2001
Ann Arbor, MI – While acknowledging the current war against terrorism in Afghanistan, a local Assembly of God congregation recently stepped up to support the ongoing battle for the soul of America at home. After listening to a brief talk by Richard Thompson, Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, the congregation took up a collection totaling over thirteen-hundred dollars in support of the Center, recognizing its ministry in the domestic battle for religious freedom and the sanctity of human life.
Brighton Assembly of God Church invited Thompson to speak November 7th on the role of faith in public for people today. Thompson delivered his message to a group of about 200 listeners, calling attention to the battleground in America, and the importance for people of faith to stand up and respond to the forces that seek to remove “every vestige of God from our public life.” Nicolette Pearce of Northville Public High School was also in attendance, and spoke out about the work the Law Center performed on her behalf in allowing her Bible Club to meet after hours at school. The congregation demonstrated their support for Thompson and the Thomas More Law Center’s efforts in defense of Christians, by taking up the unexpected collection.
“We must return to the Founding principles of this great nation. If we do nothing, we will bear the personal responsibility before God and future generations for having allowed evil to triumph in our country,” said Thompson. Brighton’s Assembly of God Church apparently agrees.
The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), is a public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michiga. It is a section 501(c)(3) organization affiliated with the Ave Marie Foundation. TMLC defends and promotes religious freedom, time-honored family values, and the sanctity of human life through education, litigation, and related activities. TMLC does not charge for its services. You may contact TMLC at 734-827-2001.
Dr. Laura Touts The Thomas More Law Center To Counter Harassment By ACLU
Thu, Oct 18, 2001
ANN ARBOR, MI – Nationally syndicated radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger recognized the efforts of the Thomas More Law Center in their offer to provide free legal assistance to those denied the right to display the American flag or express patriotic slogans such as “God Bless America”.
The Dr. Laura Show, which provides answers to callers’ moral and ethical dilemmas, was responding to specific requests from listeners whose children were told they could not wear an American flag pin to school. Dr. Laura recommended the services of the Thomas More Law Center noting, “Anyone denied the right to display the flag, schools, businesses, anywhere, or to profess God Bless America, they will defend you. The ACLU has been busy harassing people coast to coast…and these people will help you counter that.”
The radio program website also featured the TMLC as one of “Dr. Laura’s Warriors”. Under the title “A Message from Dr. Laura” the website asked “Is your child being harassed for wearing “In G-d We Trust” to school? Here’s help.” Within seconds of the broadcast, callers supporting their efforts jammed the Center’s phone lines. Chief Counsel Richard Thompson was complimentary of his staff that is working swiftly to respond to the national broadcast to over 18 million listeners.
The Thomas More Law Center is a 501c(3) public interest law firm affiliated with the Ave Maria Foundation in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Part of its mission involves the defense and promotion of religious freedom and traditional family values. It provides its legal services without charge.