Our CFC Number is #10792
The Thomas More Law Center is a national nonprofit public interest law firm whose mission is to restore and defend America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values, and to preserve a strong national defense, and a free and sovereign United States of America.
Since 2002, the Thomas More Law Center has initiated and funded more cases challenging Stealth Jihad being waged within our borders than any other law firm in the nation.
In courtrooms throughout our Nation, Thomas More Law Center lawyers fight for the religious liberty of Christians, time-honored family values, the sanctity of human life, and a strong national defense. The Law Center does not charge for its legal services, and relies on tax-deductible donations from patriotic Americans like you.
The Law Center defends the rights of our active military personnel and veterans sacrificed on the altar of political expediency by Washington politicians. We defend war memorial crosses, nativity displays, and other Christian symbols on public land.
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