ANN ARBOR, MI – The Thomas More Law Center today announced that it will act as legal counsel for “Citizens For Good Public Policy,” a coalition of citizens and businesses, in Gainesville, Florida, formed to enact a civil rights amendment to the City’s Charter. The Charter amendment would prevent the addition of special categories to the City’s human rights ordinance not currently included in the State of Florida’s Civil Rights Act.
The Civil Rights amendment will prevent the addition of a multitude of bizarre special rights categories that are being pushed by radical groups with a national agenda. The Civil Rights amendment will have the effect of invalidating the “gender identity” category which creates awkward and potentially harmful situations for the citizens of Gainesville.
Currently, the “gender identity” category in Gainesville’s anti-discrimination ordinance makes it legal for a man to patronize a woman’s bathroom in any school, business or public facility. For example, Tampa Police arrested Robert Johnson in February 2008 for hanging out in the women’s bathroom at ‘Lifestyle Fitness’ and watching women in an undressed state. The ‘gender identity’ category, which is unique to the City of Gainesville, would provide legal protection to a similar offender in Gainesville.
If enacted, the civil rights amendment would provide uniformity with established state and federal discrimination laws and eliminate the undue burden that special categories place on the activities and financial resources of citizens, businesses and taxpayers.
The Thomas More Law Center has teamed up with the Florida Family Association and is working closely with “Citizens For Good Public Policy” chairman Cain Davis (pictured above) and the committee in their effort to collect enough signatures to get this charter amendment measure on the ballot to let the people of Gainesville decide. The Christian Coalition of Florida is also helping the effort.
If you live in the City of Gainesville area or know someone who lives in Gainesville, we encourage you to help with this important effort to repeal that city’s "gender identity" ordinance. Please click on the following link to download the Word document which contains the petition. Print as many copies as you would like for family, friends, and coworkers in the Gainesville area. Complete the petition and mail to the address listed at the bottom of the petition page. Again, you must live in the City of Gainesville to sign the petition, so please forward this to anyone you know in the area. Click here to forward article now.
Please click here to download the petition form.
The “Citizens For Good Public Policy” committee launched their effort on May 1st, and has only 90 days to collect over 5,000 signatures to be placed on the March 2009 ballot.
The Thomas More Law Center defends and promotes the religious freedom of Christians, time-honored family values, and the sanctity of human life through litigation, education and related activities. It does not charge for its services. The Law Center is supported by contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations, and is recognized by the IRS as a section 501(c)(3) organization. You may reach the Thomas More Law Center at (734) 827-2001 or visit our website at