Allowing open homosexuals to serve in the military will destroy the combat effectiveness and unit cohesion of our military. Nevertheless, despite overwhelming objections from our combat troops, President Obama and Senator Reid rammed through a repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” law during the lame duck session of Congress. But the battle isn’t over yet.
Whistleblower magazine, a print publication of World Net Daily (WND), produced an entire edition highlighting the destructive consequences of allowing open homosexuality in the military. In fact, David Kupelian, editor of Whistleblower, felt that overturning the repeal of DADT was so important to our national security that WND is making it available to everybody online for free.
Mr. Kupelian has graciously allowed TMLC to send this free offer to our e-mail subscribers.
Click here to download the printer-friendly PDF version of Whistleblower
Click here to view online version of Whistleblower
Admiral Jeremiah Denton, who serves as Chairman of TMLC’s Citizens Advisory Board, was one of the contributors to this edition. A POW in Vietnam for nearly 8 years, Admiral Denton first came to attention during a publicly televised interview by Communists, when he refused to condemn America under threat of death, and blinked his eyes in Morse code spelling out the message “t-o-r-t-u-r-e.” President Reagan, in his 1982 State of the Union address, recognized Admiral Denton as a living hero.
Please read this urgent and compelling report, and make sure you send it to all of your friends and family. We must not lose this battle!
Many thanks to Joseph Farah and David Kupelian for making this “print-only” publication available for free online!