Fr. Neuhaus has a good commentary regarding Richard Kaplan's essay on the apparent divide between the military and the larger society. Read Fr. Neuhaus here. The only part of the essay we do not necessarily agree with is the following:
I got to thinking about this anew when in conversation a while back with a young man, an Ivy League graduate who had just returned from his second tour in Iraq. A soldier from the Ivies is today a very rare breed.
With an all volunteer force, you need to allow recruiters and ROTC on campus to add visibility to the Armed Services as a career choice or short term option for these students. Many of these young adults are not familar with the military and don't even think about it unless someone presents it too them. One good example of an Ivy Leaguer done well is Nathaniel Fick. He wrote a great book about his exerience in OIF I as a RECON BN Officer.