September 10, 2014
Tomorrow is the anniversary of the horrific September 11, 2001 attack on America and the God-given freedoms we so cherish. We remember with anger and anguish the nearly 3,000 Americans murdered by Islamic terrorists. We also remember and honor those first responders, many of whom lost their lives trying to save others.
Interactive timeline of events on 9/11
This is also a time to remember the thousands of American soldiers who were killed, wounded or are still suffering, in the ensuing wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and places unknown. We honor those who answered our Nation’s call to Arms. We also remember the sacrifices made by their families.
But this is a time for more than just remembering. This is a time to rekindle the flame of retribution until the threat of Islamic terrorism is wiped from the face of the Earth.
In his speech from the Oval Office, on the evening of the September 11th attack, President George W. Bush proclaimed:
“Today, our nation saw evil — the very worst of human nature — and we responded with the best of America.”
Yet, the evil President Bush spoke about still exists, and in many ways it is getting stronger. Moreover, the internal threat posed by radical Islam is greater than ever.
Our government just doesn’t want to admit that the 9/11 attacks and the barbaric massacres committed by ISIS are sanctioned by the Koran’s mandate to wage Jihad (holy war) against non-Muslims.
In December 2005, four years after 9/11, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter Pace explained to an audience at the National Defense University,
“To talk about how we are going to proceed, we need to understand the nature of the enemy. And clearly, the nature of this enemy is different than any we have faced in the past …. Our enemies had declared war on us years before, but the attacks in New York, in the skies over Pennsylvania and here in Washington, D.C. brought home very clearly to us that we were at war.”
General Pace went on to warn,
“I say you need to get out and read what our enemies [Islamists] have said. Remember Hitler. Remember he wrote Mein Kampf. He said in writing exactly what his plan was, and we collectively ignored that to our great detriment. Now, our enemies have said publicly on film, on the Internet, their goal is to destroy our way of life. No equivocation on their part. They’re not saying if you stay home, we will not come after you. They are saying their goal is to rid the Middle East of all foreigners. Then, overthrow all governments that are not friendly to them, which means every single one of those governments. Then, to use that base as a way to spread their terrorism and their oppression across the globe to include a map that shows 100 years from now that the entire globe will be under their domination.”
Islam is a religion of violence:
- “[D]ismember [the American] nation, tear them apart…destroy their embassies…shoot down their planes…kill them on land, at sea, and in the air. Kill them wherever you find them.”
Islamic cleric Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman (The Blind Sheikh)
- Muslims must “destroy those who follow democracy, and we must take their followers as enemies — hate them and wage a great jihad against them.”
Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, Palestinian theologian
“The real matter is the extinction of America. And, God willing, it will fall to the ground.”
- Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar
Numerous Islamic terrorism experts who gave hundreds of presentations on Islam’s true threat to America are now banned from speaking at government counterterrorism classes and conferences.
When Muslim U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan, shouting “Allahu Akbar,” killed 13 fellow soldiers and wounded 30 in the Fort Hood massacre, the government called it workplace violence.
The FBI purged 876 pages and 392 presentations that were deemed offensive to Islam.
The Pentagon ordered all training material used by military professional colleges and combat units scrubbed of any content offensive to Islam.
Ever since 9/11 the Thomas More Law Center has been fighting against the internal threat to our nation posed by Radical Islam. And we will continue to do so.
Please pray for our Armed Forces who stand guard against the threat of Radical Islam, and their families waiting for a their safe return home.
God bless America!
President and Chief Counsel