Ever since the first Thanksgiving Day on October 3, 1789, when President George Washington issued the first Thanksgiving Proclamation in history, America has never stopped giving thanks to Almighty God.
As we gather with family and friends to celebrate this year, let us show our gratitude as we call to mind all that God has provided, and ask that He forgive our national sins and continue to bless our Nation.
Keep the men and women in our Armed Forces in our prayers, as they selflessly serve and defend the liberties we cherish and too often take for granted.
“Let us keep this Thanksgiving Day sacred, thanking God for the bounty and goodness of our nation. As a measure of our gratitude, let us rededicate ourselves to the preservation of the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
– Ronald Reagan, Thanksgiving Day, 1985 –
Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving.
God bless you… God bless America.
Richard Thompson
President and Chief Counsel
Thomas More Law Center