“A nation that kills its children has no future.”
— Pope John Paul II, 1996 —
Today marks the 40th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade which created out of thin air the constitutional right to abortion on demand. As a result 55 million babies have thus far been killed in their mothers’ womb. Even though Roe v. Wade had no basis in our constitution or legal precedent, it still remains the law of the land despite the heroic efforts of many pro-life activists.
Neither favorable pro-life public opinion polls, nor studies and speeches decrying abortion give comfort to the unborn child facing the abortionist’s knife and forceps or death by chemicals.
Yesterday with pomp and circumstance our Nation celebrated the second term inauguration of President Obama, the most radical pro-abortion President in the history of the United States. But the gloss of that moment should not cover-up the fact that during his first term, he surrounded himself with radical pro-abortion appointees, and arrayed the vast powers of the Federal Government in the war against the unborn.
So with President Obama’s second term, we can expect the continued brutal-killing of millions of innocent unborn children ─ while our government continues to be complicit in that slaughter.
Lincoln’s 1862 address to Congress concerning the situation our Nation was facing over slavery, applies to what our Nation is now facing over abortion.
“The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with occasion.”
Your support is what has kept the pro-life movement alive all these years. And in these dangerous times for the unborn, we must “rise with the occasion.” Lincoln ultimately succeeded—and so will we.
Pope John Paul II said in 1996: “A nation that kills its children has no future.”
That truth has guided the Thomas More Law Center’s aggressive legal defense of the sanctity of human life ever since we opened our doors. And it continues to guide our actions in court today.
It is clear. Regardless of these difficult times, Americans must do what they can, with what they have, to end the slaughter of the millions of innocent babies yet to be conceived.
Knowing “the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether,” our Nation should tremble with fear as God beholds the faces of the millions of aborted children ─ His specially loved ones ─ killed according to our laws.
Kathleen Sibelius is one of President Obama’s generals in the war on the unborn. As his Secretary of Health and Human Services, she promulgated the HHS mandate that requires employers to provide insurance coverage for abortion-inducing procedures despite the employer’s religious objections. TMLC has filed two federal cases challenging the HHS mandate. We have obtained court orders stopping enforcement of the Mandate in both cases. But the court battles are not yet over.
Dr. Bernard Nathanson was co-founder in 1969 of the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws — NARAL — later renamed the National Abortion Rights Action League. He was responsible for 75,000 abortions. He later became pro-life and in 1996 was baptized in the Catholic Church.
After his conversion he became a zealous foe of abortions and explained how fraudulent tactics of the pro-aborts played a significant role in convincing the Supreme Court to decide Roe v. Wade:
- Knowing that if a true poll were taken, they would be soundly defeated, they simply fabricated the results of fictional polls, announcing that 60% of Americans were in favor of abortion.
- They told the media that 10,000 women were dying annually from illegal abortions. The real number was around 200 – 250 annually.
- They told the public that legalizing abortion would merely mean that abortions taking place illegally would then be done legally. In fact the annual number of abortions increased by 1500%. (Abortion is now the primary method of birth control.)
- They vilified the Catholic Church and its hierarchy for its “socially backward ideas”.
- They insisted that the definition of when life begins is impossible; that the question is a theological or moral or philosophical one. In fact it is a scientific one. Fetology makes it undeniably evident that life begins at conception. It was this scientific fact that convinced Dr. Nathanson to become pro-life.
Many of the above tactics are now being used to advance the HHS mandate.
You remain the only hope for millions of children yet to be conceived.
Clearly, the Abortion Goliath will not go away without a fight. With its vast financial resources, phalanx of high-priced attorneys and in alliance with the federal government, it will go to court and challenge laws that restrict abortion on demand.
This is a David versus Goliath battle.
I don’t know if God will ever forgive America for our national sin of abortion. I’m sure, however, He will reward you for your efforts to save His most precious creation.
May God bless you. And may He continue to bless America.
Richard Thompson
President & Chief Counsel
Thomas More Law Center