The American Legion “Fighting District 21” unanimously adopted a Resolution at its Sunday, March 6, 2011 meeting, which calls upon Congress to reinstate the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law. After the November 2010 elections, the lame duck 111th Congress repealed the law, which prevented open homosexuals from serving in our armed forces.
Rees Lloyd, past Commander of District 21 and co-founder and director of Defense of Veterans Memorials Project of the American Legion, hopes that Legionnaires, other veterans, and patriots will support this Resolution and call on the 112th Congress, individually and collectively, to reinstate “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
According to Lloyd, the Resolution was inspired by two of America’s greatest living military heroes – Admiral Jeremiah A. Denton (USN, ret.), a POW for nearly eight years in Vietnam; and Maj. Gen. Patrick H. Brady (USA, ret.), a Medal of Honor recipient.
Admiral Jeremiah Denton serves as Chairman of the Thomas More Law Center’s Citizens Advisory Board.
Click here to view and print the Resolution
Last month, Admiral Denton and General Brady published an urgent “Joint Statement” in WorldNetDaily’s monthly magazine, Whistleblower, which called on all Americans—and veterans in particular—to take a stand and fight for reinstatement of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law.
Click here to read the joint statement
The Thomas More Law Center applauds the efforts of Rees Lloyd and the “Fighting District 21” to reinstate the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law.