The Abortion War still rages. The battles are mostly private affairs, often taking place in conversations between lovers in cars, or in college dorms or over coffee at Starbucks. Babies’ lives are fought over in private counseling sessions at Crisis Pregnancy Centers, in doctor’s offices and in the Yellow Pages or on the internet, one baby at a time. Some battles occur in living rooms between daughters and parents, or in church offices between pastors and a parishioner. Some are fought between a husband and a wife. It’s a one-baby-per-battle war. More than 45,000,000 souls lost Baby Battles since 1973. And still the war rages…
The other day I spoke with Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel for the Thomas More Law Center, an organization of lawyers on the front lines of First Amendment litigation involving a host of issues, not the least of which is abortion. On the one hand, the picture is bright, in that abortion is a straightforward political issue and its opponents (and proponents), whether in actual speech or in pictorial substitutes, are indeed protected by the First Amendment, a principle which has been upheld again and again by various courts at all levels of jurisdiction….