From the Desk of Richard Thompson,
President & Chief Counsel
9/11: We Will Never Forget
September 11, 2012
Dear TMLC Friends and Supporters:
Today we remember the nearly 3,000 innocent victims murdered on 9/11 by Muslim terrorists in the name of Islam. We also honor the firefighters, police officers, and others who were the first to courageously respond to the attacks—and ultimately gave their own lives.
It is often said that since our Nation’s founding, every generation has faced a defining challenge to America’s survival. Today, the defining challenge is Radical Islam. As Abraham Lincoln said to Congress in 1861, “The struggle of today is not altogether for today — it is for a vast future also. With a reliance on Providence, all the more firm and earnest, let us proceed in the great task which events have devolved upon us.”
Our great task lies in defeating the growing threat of Radical Islam and its attempt to impose Sharia Law on Americans. It is up to this generation to preserve the memory of the victims of 9/11.
Radical Islam remembers September 11, 2001, as well. Cloaking themselves in the garb of moderation and unity, Radical Muslims use America’s religious tolerance as a means to deceive and to advance their ultimate aim: a nation ruled under Sharia Law.
This is also a time to honor our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, and all of our troops throughout the world. We must remember that freedom isn’t free; and it is because of their sacrifices since 9/11 that our nation’s liberty is secured. As we honor the victims and their families, we must vow to keep the flame of retribution burning strong until Radical Islam is soundly defeated.
This is a time to pray for our Country and for all of our fighting men and women in harm’s way.
May God continue to bless America.
Sincerely yours,
Richard Thompson
President & Chief Counsel
Thomas More Law Center